OptiNav BeamformX Acoustic Array System with the SIG ACAM 120
OptiNav offers the innovative BeamformX software with the Signal Interface Group (SIG) ACAM 120 Acoustic Array system as a complete solution for general purpose acoustic imaging.
Plug in the USB cable, install the software, and see useful results within minutes:
display acoustic images in real time
display the spectrum
display the spectrogram, the history
of the spectrum with intensity encoded as color -
save raw data for post-processing
read and process files of raw data
save acoustic videos in mp4 format
replay events of interest identified in the spectrogram
listen to the sound from a region of interest
generate acoustic images for a range of frequencies
and much more

OptiNav BeamformX Software
Images, Videos, and Raw Data
BeamformX displays acoustic images in real time, and it optionally saves processed data as mp4 video files. BeamformX also can save raw data - acoustic data from all microphones, along with images from the optical camera. BeamformX as a post-processing program can process one raw data file with various options and parameters.
Robust Functional Beamforming
Beamforming algorithm for the 21st century
OptiNav development, patent pending
No sidelobes
High dynamic range
Continuous images of continuous sources
Faster than conventional beamforming
Signal Interface Group (SIG) ACAM 120 Acoustic Array
The ACAM 120 Acoustic Array has an acoustic camera, an array of 40 digital microphones. The microphones are sampled simultaneously with 24-bit resolution, providing accurate phase and amplitude measurements for beamforming and other digital signal processing algorithms.
Each microphone in the Acoustic Array has a flat frequency response curve, within 3 dB, from 60 Hz to 15 KHz. The microphones return useful information at frequencies up to about 23 KHz, with reduced accuracy. See Frequency Limits for the response limits for beamforming.
ACAM 120 Key Features:
40 digital microphones with 24bit resolution provides accurate phase and amplitude measurments
50hz to 20Khz frequency response
5M pixel Camera
On board processor with 256MB on board memory provides gap free data
Noise Isolation
Operating temperature 0 to 50 degrees C
40 cm × 40 cm panel
USB data and power in one cable
USB 2.0 supported
Learn more about Signal Interface Group ACAM 120 Array