BeamformX 6.003 has remote control to manage the Log functions related to saving .bin files.
In the Control dialog, the Trigger button has a new checkbox on the bottom of the dialog:
Start Communication for Log Stop Pause Resume
If you select that checkbox and press OK, then you see a message box giving the IP address of the computer, a port number, and a random communication password. The communication password can be used as is or changed. The random version is preferred for security.
At this point the computer may pop up a firewall dialog asking whether you want to allow remote computers to access to BeamformX. Ideally, you will also be controlling the remote computer, but there is a risk that someone else could access your computer in this way and cause harm. The communication password is intended to reduce this risk. The communication is presently not encrypted, so it could be intercepted. The assumption is that the information being transmitted, a small number of commands and the dates and times at which they are performed, is not sensitive. Use of the random password should prevent it from being exploited in the future.
Now, possibly on a different computer, you should start a telnet or gc (in the Terminal window of a Mac) session using the IP address and port given. If the connection is made, then you will be prompted to enter the communication password. If this is correct, then you can issue the commands Log, Stop, Pause, and Resume from the remote computer. These do mostly the same things that happen if you press the corresponding buttons on the control dialog in BeamformX. One difference is that, if "Settings/Folder for binary Log data file" is blank, then the remote Log command will create a file with default time-date name on the Desktop. This differs from the local behavior, which is to browse for a file location/name. To start or stop saving data within a given .bin file, you can use Pause and Resume.