Version 4.200 has been released. It has two major additions: a triggered mode for writing binary files and support for pulse TTL tachometers. The triggered .bin mode uses a threshold level in specified spectrum bin to determine when to record data. When the threshold is met, a few previous frames are written, along with several frames after the trigger. The frequency, level, and numbers of frames are specified in the Settings dialog. After a triggered write, the trigger is reset and waits for the next event. The result is a recorded .bin file that only has interesting events stored, not the quiet space in between.
The tachometer feature uses the mini-DIN-8 port on the back of the array. The pulse TTL signal from an external tachometer is connected to pin 3 and signal ground is connected to pin 5. In Engine Order mode, a Tachometer checkbox appears and it is enable when a connected, functioning, tachometer is detected (or one was connected when a .bin file was recorded). Checking the tachometer box causes the RPM numeric field (also appears in Engine Order mode) to be updated continuously with the RPM. The tuning frequency for the beamforming Display is also updated to stay on the selected engine order.
The BeamformX user manual has been updated for Version 4.200 and should be consulted for more details about the new features.
There are also two bug fixes: the Camera dialog, which was missing in Version 4.100 has been restored. Also, .bin files that were recorded from ACAM 120 arrays, so that sample rate is 51.2 kHz, are now analyzed with this sample rate. Previously, a 50 kHz sample rate was assumed in post processing for all cases. There are an number of small changes, including more of the text in languages. The manual corrects some errors in which the frame time was incorrectly called the block length. It has been pointed out the that Camera window title is still ACAM 100 when there is a connected array, even if it is an ACAM 120.
Download the new software and manual from