This version has three bug fixes:
1. If the previous run of BeamformX was on a larger display than the current run, then it was possible for BeamformX windows to be invisible because their saved locations put them off of the new, smaller, screen. Version 4.201 checks the screen size and moves the windows so that they overlap the screen by at least 30 pixels.
2. When loading a .bin file, the dialog for the file name has a box "Skip seconds". This skipping is functional now. It did not work previously.
3. When playing a .bin file, the camera preferences, such as the pan and tilt angles, were not written to the preferences file on exit. They are written now.
Note: regarding preference files, the work around for bugs 1 and 3 before Version 4.201 was to manually edit the file optinav_prefs.txt which is located in your home directory. It should not be necessary to edit this file now. If you find yourself needing to take control of the preferences, that file is the key. In this case, please let me know since I may need to change BeamformX.